Wednesday, October 26, 2011

deer resistant?

Hmmm. It's more honest than saying "deer proof"! Deer are crazy- let me say that first. If they are hungry, nothing in your yard is safe! In normal years, when food is available, many deer won't stray into your yard. On the other hand, if you live in a housing development that has lured you in because of its natural setting, you are in THEIR yard. So, we have to make peace somehow. 
As a designer, I am a realist. If you live in a highly populated deer area, do not plant hostas and then complain when they get eaten again and again! There are lots of plants that are just not as appetizing to deer and are great landscape plants. Let's talk about them!
A great landscape starts with great structure. That means trees and shrubs. Here are some trees I like for our Midwestern Kansas landscapes:

-American Holly Tree (like a Foster's Holly)- Ilex opaca is best but not as beautiful as a Foster's Holly. 
Black Gum in full color
-Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)
-Birches- River birch, etc
-Buckeye (Aeschelus paviflora)

Black Gum
-Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica)- Under utilized, gorgeous native.
-Dogwood- Kousa, Red Osier (shrub red twig dogwood)
-Sweetbay Magnolia- Another multi-stemmed tree for semi-shady spots, loves wet too.
-Spruce: White, Colorado Blue, Norway
-Sweet Gum
-Tulip Tree (Liriodendron)-  largest native tree, can reach 70' and up!
--Witch Hazel- Under utilized! 12-15' multi-stemmed, loves shady spots, blooms in February/ March.

Trees that I've marked as under utilized means they are hardy, gorgeous and unique. Many are woodland natives. They add something special to the landscape- it's like the girl who has the perfect hair and perfect outfit. You can't quite figure out why she looks so good and like she's not even trying! Well, that's what these plants do: they look natural, yet are interesting, unique and rich looking.

-Beautybush- Under utilized! Can grow to 8' H x W. Arching and lovely.
-Barberry- over utilized but useful.
-Butterfly Bush


-Fothergilla- under utilized and my favorite!

-Grape Holly (Mahonia)- Also under utilized around here.
-Holly (Blue Holly and Inkberry Holly)
-Juniper (Blue and Green)
-Leucothoe- under utilized, shade loving. watery rich sites. Shiny leaves and is actually EVERGREEN. Uh huh.
-Lilac- the common variety has more deer resistance.
-Nandina- oh the lovely Firepower! 2' H x W

-Pyracantha- oh the color, oh the thorns.

A rule of thumb for deer and rabbits: they don't like thorns or especially fragrant plants (essential oils, etc). Also, please don't yell at me when these don't work and get chomped. What works for one may not work for others. It is worth a try!

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