Although the season to BUY annual flowers is closing down (yep, buy them from March-June), it is totally time to enjoy them!!
I wanted to share some pictures of combo pots we've designed and installed at customers' houses.
One of the tips to successful combo pots is to always make seasonal pots. Don't try to create one pot for the entire spring and summer. Most successful pots will have a spring, cool season look- like pansies, lobelia, snapdragons, ornamental kales/cabbages and traditional petunias. Replace those with warm season bloomers in May or June- supertunias, coleus, sweet potato vines, tropical flowers (like canna and papyrus), angelonia, herbs, etc. For fall, pick up mums, grasses and back to cool season plants.
Canna, angelonia, sweet potato vine |
Look at the combo of begonia and purple Supertunias! |
King Tut papyrus, sweet potato vine and bordeaux Supertunias! |