Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tree Farm progress

The fire pit, nearing completion. The vista, as is.
So, every day we make more progress at the tree farm. You might wonder (if you're late to the conversation), what is the point of the tree farm (duh, besides growing trees)? Our point is this: we are becoming a retail source for trees! If you have questions on tree care, give Mike a call. If you need a tree replacement or just want to browse, drive in. We are located in the Wakarusa Valley- it is truly a special place. A simple creek/ river valley with an amazing vista.... It has naturally dense clay soil, as do most of our yards around here. That is one of the wonderful parts about buying a tree from a local grower- this tree is already successfully acclimated to our soil! No transplant shock (a little, but much less than if you plant a tree directly from Oregon), roots established in native soil!
Royal Raindrops Crabapple, budding out.

Our long range plan is take our design clients to the farm, so they can see and feel samples of stone, shrubs, flowers and trees. They can see how their designs will look and get an idea of the level of our craftsmen. Visit our website for hours of the tree farm and the location. Also, Mike has a (mostly) complete list of trees available on our website as well. You can start to make a wish list and then come in to consult any of us on the wisdom of your choices! (ha ha) I can't say this enough but we have bulk mulch, compost, rock for sale to the public. You can have us deliver or you can pick it up yourself (for smaller amounts). It is fairly economical- check the site for prices as well!
Enjoy this spring! The redbuds are about to burst...

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